Services we provide must address client demand in an increasingly competitive and global environment and be timely, accurate, and in compliance with Michigan State University policies and State and Federal law. Outreach activities focus on recruitment, financial-aid education, and the education of others to use data resources and applications with integrity.
This Major Administrative Unit supports and facilitates a commitment to continuous improvement in support of Michigan State University's academic values by:
- administering Academic Program Review and tracking accreditation processes;
- collaborating with the Office of Planning and Budgets to direct enrollment management;
- administering the Enrollment Services units: Office of Admissions, Office of Financial Aid, and Office of the Registrar;
- directing the academic protocols and preparation for University commencement via Academic and Ceremonial Events (Office of the Provost);
- administering Summer Session and Course-Availability instructional budgets for the Office of the Provost;
- exercising responsibility for University Curriculum and Catalog including Statewide Academic Program Review; and
- participating in decision-making regarding data release and policy enforcement of FERPA and Michigan State University's Access to Student Information with the Office of the Registrar.
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